Error logging using DBMS_ERRLOG

If your DML statement encounters an exception, it immediately rolls back any changes already made by that statement, and propagates an exception out to the calling block. Sometimes that's just what you want. Sometimes, however, you'd like to continue past such errors, and apply your DML logic to as many rows as possible.

DBMS_ERRLOG, a package introduced in Oracle10g Release 2, allows you to do precisely that. Here is a quick review of the way this package works. 

First you need to create an error log table where the errors will be inserted, and while issuing any DML statements use a clause newly introduced in 10g, LOG ERRORS.

1. Create an error log table for the table against which you will execute DML statements:

  DBMS_ERRLOG.create_error_log (dml_table_name => 'EMP');

Oracle then creates a table named ERR$_EMP that contains error-related columns as well as VARCHAR2 columns for each of your table's columns (where it makes sense).

For example in our case, the EMP table has this structure:

JOB      VARCHAR2(9)
MGR      NUMBER(4)
SAL      NUMBER(7,2)
COMM     NUMBER(7,2)

The ERR$_EMP table has this structure:

ORA_ERR_TAG$      VARCHAR2(2000)
EMPNO             VARCHAR2(4000)
ENAME             VARCHAR2(4000)
JOB               VARCHAR2(4000)
MGR               VARCHAR2(4000)
HIREDATE          VARCHAR2(4000)
SAL               VARCHAR2(4000)
COMM              VARCHAR2(4000)
DEPTNO            VARCHAR2(4000)


From this we can understand that there are columns ORA_ERR_NUMBER$, ORA_ERR_MESG$, ORA_ERR_ROWID$, ORA_ERR_OPTYP$, ORA_ERR_TAG$ which will be created for extra information on the error encountered, the data at the time of the error etc.

2. Add the LOG ERRORS clause to your DML statement:

   UPDATE emp
      SET sal = sal * 2

3. After running your code, you can check the contents of the ERR$ table to see if any errors occurred. You can then perform row by row recovery, or transfer that error information to your application error log, etc.

This approach will not only allow you to continue past exceptions; it will also greatly improve performance of DML processing in which lots of exceptions would normally be raised, because exception handling is quite slow compared to writing a row to a log table via an autonomous transaction procedure.

Check out DBMS_ERRLOG. It could offer some very powerful alternatives ways of executing large numbers of DML statements, each of which might change many rows.

The disadvantage of this approach is in maintenance. The user is likely to report errors like "my data is not showing up, and no errors are shown". My advice on using this feature is to have a highly sophasticated error handling mechanism that handles such errors and throw messages to users. This way the debugging person will also have exact data as to what caused the error. Unless used responsibly this feature can be a disaster.


  1. Hello Anantha,

    I can't get this to work with an update:

    create table t(c int);
    create unique index t_idx on t(c);
    insert into t values(1);
    insert into t values(2);
    exec dbms_errlog.create_errorlog('t');
    update t set c=1 log errors reject limit unlimited;

    Result: ORA-00001: unique constraint violated

    Insert works though:

    insert into t values(1) log errors reject limit unlimited;

    Result: 0 rows created

    Select count(*) from err$_t;


    Any clues?

    Mark T.

  2. Dear Mark,

    Read the following link for full information on DBMS_ERRLOG.

    Oracle logs the following errors during DML operations:
    * Column values that are too large.
    * Constraint violations (NOT NULL, unique, referential, and check constraints).
    * Errors raised during trigger execution.
    * Errors resulting from type conversion between a column in a subquery and the corresponding column of the table.
    * Partition mapping errors.

    The following conditions cause the statement to fail and roll back without invoking the error logging capability:
    * Violated deferred constraints.
    * Out of space errors.
    * Any direct-path INSERT operation (INSERT or MERGE) that raises a unique constraint or index violation.
    * Any UPDATE operation (UPDATE or MERGE) that raises a unique constraint or index violation.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Hi Anantha,

    Would you please explain the difference between the below two statements,

    1) Oracle logs the following errors during DML operations:
    * Constraint violations (NOT NULL, unique, referential, and check constraints).

    2) The following conditions cause the statement to fail and roll back without invoking the error logging capability:
    * Any UPDATE operation (UPDATE or MERGE) that raises a unique constraint or index violation.


  4. The first Point states that Logging will happen in case of constraint violations such as NOT NULL, unique referential and check constraints.

    However as an exception (second point) is unique constraint or index violation while executing UPDATE/MERGE will not call logging capability.
