What is SQL Injection?

SQL Injection as the name suggests is injecting arbitrary SQL commands or clauses into an executing program to defeat its purpose.

Why does one inject SQL commands to defeat the purpose of a procedure. The answer is 'hackers'. Hackers are always looking for easy preys to steal another ones information. In this age of Information Technology, unnoticed stealing is for information. The information thus gathered can be consolidated by an experienced hacker and cause 'hell lot of trouble'.

Now as we are clear of the intentions of defeating a program, we will understand the simple types of SQL Injection which are very well-known.

  1. First Order Attack
  2. Second Order Attack
  3. Lateral Injection
First Order Attack is caused when a hacker simply modifies the string passed to a procedure and adds a malicious string to make the program work even if without valid data. 

For example consider the following code:

create table users (username varchar2(20), password varchar2(20));

insert into users values('Anantha','111111');


create or replace function get_cnt (qry in varchar2) return number is
  lv_cnt number;
  execute immediate qry into lv_cnt;
  return lv_cnt;

  if get_cnt('select count(1) from users where username=''Anantha'' 
                   and password=''111111''') = 0 then
    dbms_output.put_line('Invalid Credentials');
    dbms_output.put_line('Valid Credentials');
  end if;
In the above example an inexperienced programmer has written a procedure that accepts a string for a query. He has also written an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE which executes the query and returns the count of records (His assumptions are that the query will have a single select list with COUNT(1) in it. The values for username and password, say are being captured from front-end and modified in the string. 

It seems fair enough until the hacker injects a ALL-SUCCESS where clause to the password field. The hacker simply types 222' OR 1=1 in the password field. The resulting string passed to the procedure will be of the following form:

  if get_cnt('select count(1) from users where username=''Anantha'' 
                   and password=''222'' OR 1=1') = 0 then
    dbms_output.put_line('Invalid Credentials');
    dbms_output.put_line('Valid Credentials');
  end if;

The procedure has been defeated. Now imagine a procedure safe-guarding your application. Isn't this a nightmare?

How do we defend such simple attacks? The inexperienced programmer has now some experience and rewrites his procedure as follows:

create or replace procedure validate_user(uname in users.username%type, pwd in users.password%type) is
  lv_cnt number;
  select count(1) into lv_cnt from users u where u.username=uname and u.password=pwd;
  if lv_cnt = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Invalid credentials');
  else dbms_output.put_line('Valid credentials');
  end if;

Now what if the hacker attacks again? The procedure code will be like:

  validate_user('Anantha','222'' OR 1=1');

But the output always defeat the hacker's purpose of defeating the logic. How come this did not work in favor of the hacker. Because Oracle is intelligent enough to understand/bind value to a variable when already the query is known. The late binding of variable to the column does not allow the hacker to get his success.

The moral learnt is when using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE or similar query when it has been framed by the programe, always test it thoroughly.

Next issue, Second Order Attack.


  1. Hi,

    Bot sure whether this is the right place to post my query, but i am loging to get the correct answer. This is regarding using httpuritype in Oracle 11g

    1 create or replace function trans
    2 (p_words in clob, -- words to be translated
    3 p_to in varchar2 default 'ar', -- language to translate to
    4 p_from in varchar2 default 'en') -- language to translate from
    5 return clob
    6 as
    7 l_res clob;
    9 begin
    10 l_res := httpuritype
    11 ('http://translate.google.co.in/?hl=en&tab=wT#'||p_from||'/'||p_to||utl_url.esc
    ape (p_words)).getclob();
    16 return l_res;
    17* end trans;
    SQL> /

    Function created.

    SQL> select trans('hen','nl','en') from dual;

    " .......< html >< head >< meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-eq"

    I need the exact Dutch language for 'hen' but getting the output as mentioned above....
    Pls advise.

  2. Hello Anantha:
    Thank you. It is good. Did you write about the second order attack and lateral injection? I could not find this in your site.
